Last year around this time, I wrote a prematurely doomed blog about my New Year's resolutions. Having not thought about this list since, oh...I don't know, January 17th of last year, I thought it might be humorous (to myself) to look back and see how much I have changed (ha) and how I succeeded with flying colors of the rainbow.
Nathaniel Daniel's Bucket List for 2008:
Maintain 3 digits in bank account for 3 CONSECUTIVE months -- I think I did this! Oh...3 months? I thought it said hours.
Run half marathon -- Well this one's just silly.
Commit to something besides a lease for 6 months (job, man, gym membership, etc.) -- Job? Check! Man? Do they have to be 6 consecutive months? Gym? FAIL.
Eat at 1 new restaurant every month -- Who the hell has the cash flow for this? Actually, if hotel restaurants/room service count, I definitely win.
Learn to cook a new dish every month -- I am going to assume that watching Rachael Ray counts. Check.
Gain 10 lbs of non fat -- This is gonna have to be a life long goal.
Learn Spanish (when in little Puerto Rico, do as the Puerto Ricans do…) -- I am still waiting for you to buy me the damn Rosetta Stone!
Two words: six pack. -- Yep had many of those.
Move into bedroom in where I do not feel the need to tell people "that's just my walk-in closet." -- Well lets see...I moved into an even tinier bedroom that I had to share with another, and then I moved into a very spacious room....at my parent's house. I am going to put a big fat X on this one.
Repeated visits to So.Flo -- Check and Check. I loves me Kitty.
Travel out of state with unused plane ticket -- This must be before I started working for the blue jet. Voided!
Get no more parking tickets (those green paper bastards) -- Ack! I got 3. But I only paid 2, so that should count for something.
Pay all my bills in a prompt manner -- Yessss thank you Suze O.
Go on 8 dates that are not dinner and a movie (…snooze) -- Another life long goal.
Learn how to cook a decent batch of rice -- F rice, I hate you!
Be 100% honest, even when it hurts -- I only lie when it makes myself look better.
Get a dog! -- No, but I had enough friends to get dogs to turn me off to the idea.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen (it's sooo in right now) -- I googled it when I was bored one time.
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